Sunday, July 29, 2007

Interesting guy, bolder than I

I don't know if any of you have heard much about the "People of Peru" project but there was a recent article in the local conference publication that reminded me of it again. My cousin is a filmmaker and has just finished a film about this guy's ministry and how it all came about. It's very moving and inspirational. (I'm hoping to score a DVD here in the next few weeks to play at church!) Basically, he didn't have any "missionary" skills, but realized his own personal passion for helping these children of Christ who had so much less than he. What I like most about his style is that he's a non-conformist, outside-the-box kind of guy. Don't have a sponsoring agency? "Who cares!" Don't have any special training? "I've got love!" Don't have an official "call"? "I heard the people calling!" He was willing to leave a pretty comfortable life and just let God play out His plan. Because of some recent publicity and sponsorship, he has been able to afford more and create quite an incredible from-the-ground-up ministry for young women and children there in Peru.

Not all of us have the ability to just pick up and "go", but we can definitely be ready to serve wherever we are. I'm sure there are quite a few more people like him following Christ where they see a need. I'd like to hear about them if you know of some stories.

**just saw that his site is down, so check back again in a few days**

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