Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Are you AAO x 4?

As a physician in training, one of the first tests I perform on stable patients is a simple assessment of their level of consciousness. I ask them to tell me who they are, where we are, what the date is, and why they are here. If they cannot recall any of this information, they are alert and oriented times zero (AAO × 0.) When they are more alert and can state who they are, they are classified AAO × 1. This continues until they are able to explain their circumstances and know their condition. Then, they are fully oriented or AAO × 4.

Many of us in the human race are spiritually AAO × 0. We may know our given names and be able to elaborate on our street address, the date, and even our immediate circumstances. Yet, very few of us ever realize our true spiritual significance. We see some beautiful things and experience some terrible circumstances as we stumble through our lives, never really sure just what is happening, never knowing the full story.

Wouldn't it be amazing to peer through the fog of our confusion and discover the obscured reality. Who are we truly meant to be? Where are we in time and space? What part of the universal time frame are we at? What are the circumstances or even the very reason for our existence?

Let me ask another question. What is your favorite story, book, poem, or movie? Every great story, from the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner to Star Wars and from Tuesdays with Morrie to Braveheart, resonates with us because in each one we catch a glimpse of the greater story that we are all a part of. Surprisingly, the things we thought were merely entertainment, simply a diversion, have been pointing us toward a deeper reality all along.

This deeper reality is too great to be contained in any one source; but, it is found in no other source so clearly as in the Bible. God's word as revealed through his penman has been given to help us see clearly the epic tale of eternity. As we search through the sources at hand, perhaps we can approach a spiritual consciousness of Alert and Oriented times four (AAO × 4.) In seeking after God together, we will realize the depths of the mystery and hopefully discover our own role, the place where we each enter the epic.

Won't you join us?

Brenton Reading, M.D.

Thank you for your thoughts. I'm thinking...
I like your blog and have linked to it but am unable to subscribe to your feed. Just thought you'd like to know.
good luck!
Thanks for the heads up. I think I got the basic feed working.
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